Free review copies available!

Email me @ authordesignate @ gmail . com or DM me at my Twitter handle @lfeldspar for free review copies of my Ebooks.

Reviews of any length accepted. You don’t have to review them now either. Review them any time you want! (Some places want a review before a release date. I’m not concerned with that.) For Twitter DMs, type in your email address (and your name for a more personalized response.)

In the subject line, tell me which title you want. These include:

The Tattletale
The Housewife and the Heat Wave
Hitting the Rebound
The Beast of Balduun

Or simply say “ALL” and I’ll send you all the Ebooks. FREE!

THE LLOYD FELDSPAR PROMISE: Your information will be safe and secure. I promise not to sell your private information to any third-party for any reason.